
Our Create & Link Issues app is an intuitive Jira application that simplifies the process of creating & linking multiple issues in one go. It also provides an admin interface to specify the project/issue type for which this functionality is to be enabled and default data for linked issues’ fields which helps users to expediate the process of creating multiple linked issues, saving time and reducing manual effort.

Below are two simple steps to follow:

  1. Administrator to configure the projects/issues type and fields
  2. Jira user uses the ‘Create & Link Issues’ action to create multiple linked issues

App Navigation:

To configure this app, Navigate to “Create & link issues” under the “Manage apps” menu to launch Configuration page as shown below.

Jira administrator can now add project/s and Issue type/s for which this functionality needs to be enabled. See example below.

  • Select the project and Issues Types. – Note: Please look at Caveat 1 below.
  • Click Add button. – Note: Please look at Caveat 2 below.
  • New row is added to tables below for the selected project and Issue types.
  • Bin icon: Administrator can delete the configuration created (and associated fields) with a prompt to confirm.
  • Settings icon (to the left of Bin icon): This opens a new dialog, where administrator can configure project/issue type and fields of the linked issues .
  • To enhance customer experience, the following are also available on this screen
    • Filter by project &/or issues type : Enter the project and/or issue type to filter the search results.
    • Results per page : User can select number of rows to show on page, helps to see all result in one screen (depends on screen resolution)
    • Pagination : As the data grows for easy navigation, pagination will automatically appear helping users to navigate to required rows.
    • Various other features like sort column etc.

* Caveats on Configuration page –

  1. Only Jira and Jira service Management projects are in scope.
  2. Duplicate configuration for same project/issue type should be avoided

Configure Fields

Jira administrator will now need to add the required fields to create & link issues

In the Configure fields dialog, select the following fields and actions:

  • Fields : This lists all possible fields. Note – Fields displayed in bold are mandatory fields that must be configured first before any optional fields.
  • Action & Data field : Possible options for this are – Copy from parent, Show options or Default.
    • Copy from Parent will, by default, take data from parent when creating and linking issues and will not be editable by the end user.
    • Show Options will list the available options to the end user.
    • Default – the value in data field will be displayed to the end user and is editable.
  • Add : This button adds the field and associated data.
  • Edit icon : This button enables field to be edited. Note: Please look at Caveat 1 below.
  • Bin icon: This removes the specified field. This is displayed for only optional fields. Note: Please look at Caveat 2 below.
  • Clear All button : It deletes all the configured fields with a confirmation.
  • Close button : Closes the Configure fields dialog.

*Caveats on Configure fields page –

  1. Project field is not editable once configured, to do you must “clear all” fields and start again. Also, Only a single project can be specified.
  2. Only optional fields can be deleted

Jira user’s will see Create & Link Issues menu from any Jira issues and click of the menu launches “Create & Link Issues” screen.

Jira user’s will be taken to Create & Link screen from the menu.

On the Create & Link Issues screen, Jira user can select the fields and Add:

  • Select the fields and add the issues by clicking ADD button.
  • Edit icon : This button enables row to edit.
  • Bin icon: This removes the row .
  • Create button : Create the issues and links to the parent ticket. Once created success/error pop-up message’s are shown.
  • +/- icon : As number of fields grows horizontal scroll appears. Introduced zoom in/out to adjust see all the fields as it grows.